Blog Introduction


I hope you’re enjoying the 55Plus programs so far.

Over the course of the next few months, I plan to write a series of small blogs, to address a few areas of potential interest.

The topics that I cover will all be health and wellness related.

I know everyone is busy so I won’t bore you with articles as long as War and Peace, they will be bite-sized chunks of information that you can read in a matter of minutes and will be easy to digest.

Some of the topics that I plan to cover are:

  • Why Do you want to exercise?
  • Basic nutrition
  • Hydration during exercise
  • Exercise attire
  • Exercise equipment
  • When not to train
  • Where to exercise
  • Exercise warm-ups and why we do them
  • Exercise tips and tricks
  • Why do we perform a cool down after training
  • The importance of rest
  • Post-workout nutrition
  • Body maintenance. Foam rolling, flexibility, and massage
  • Consistency with training

But most importantly, if you have any suggestions for topics you’d like covered, please send me an email.

Although I have been involved in the health industry for nearly 20 years, I don’t claim to be an expert in all fields. If there is an area that I don’t feel I know enough about I will research the topic and either share a suitable article that I have found with you, or I will present a recap to you in my own words.

For those of you that have taken the time to send me an email, thanks a million these messages of support are what get me out of bed every day and make me want to make 55Plus the best it can be.

Heath Jones Founder of Active & Ageless - Over 50s health club in Hurstville & Canterbury

Heath Jones is the founder of Active & Ageless and has over 20 years’ experience in the Health & Wellness space.

He holds the following qualifications:

Bachelor of Nursing

Postgraduate in Exercise Science

Diploma of OHS

Cert 3 & 4 Fitness

Cert 4 Training & Assessment

Older Adults trainer

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