3 Quick Exercises to Improve Lower Body Strength

Take a look at this quick workout that will improve lower body strength, stability and balance. This quick workout is easy to do and requires no equipment. activeagelessdhttpss://activeandageless.com.au

5 Minute Cardio Workout!

Got a spare 5 minutes and would like to burn some calories? Get your body moving and try this simple cardio workout.. activeagelessdhttpss://activeandageless.com.au

5 Minute Quick Core Workout

Only have 5 minute spare, and want tone up and strengthen your mid-section? Try This quick core workout!   activeagelessdhttpss://activeandageless.com.au

Squat with a Twist

There’s very few exercises out there that cover all bases in terms of body positioning. The squat with a twist is one such exercise. It aims to improve lower body strength with a squat component, rotational power by the twist that is incorporated into the movement, a push movement towards the end of the exercise helps […]

A Simple Exercise for Tight Hips

Do you have tight hips? If so try this mobility exercise to get the movement back into your hips. Start slow and you can do this several times a day. activeagelessdhttpss://activeandageless.com.au

Squat With Vertical Fly

Try this great combination exercise that will focus on increasing your lower body strength as well as improving your shoulder mobility and strength. Use light dumbbells for an added challenge and if you have any pain in your shoulders to taking your arms out to the front and not above your head. activeagelessdhttpss://activeandageless.com.au

Cross Over Toe Touch

Try this exercise to help improve your hip and trunk mobility. make sure you roll your shoulders back and keep them like that for the duration of this exercise to assist in protecting your posture. If you decide to use weights, use some very light dumbbells 1-2kg max! activeagelessdhttpss://activeandageless.com.au

5 Minute Clip to improve your balance

Try this 5 minute video to help with improving your overall balance, core and lower body strength. If your balance and upper body strength is not up for it, hold on to something stable such as a chair, bench, tree or wall.. activeagelessdhttpss://activeandageless.com.au